Practice, Teacher Tip • February 22, 2019
Friends, we are very excited to have the wonderful Ms. Grazzia Sagastume share with us a practicing tip about consistency! As a very wise Sprout parent said to me this week, “We know the first practice after we take a few days off is just going to be hard.” So true! Enjoy a quick clip from Ms. Grazzia:
Caregiver Tip, Practice, Practice Tool • January 18, 2019
We are all familiar with using stickers on a skills or activities chart. Made your bed? Brushed your teeth? Place the star on the chart under that category! And that works for many students. We’ve also used stickers on a...
Practice, Review, What to Practice • February 1, 2019
Your teacher assigned you review songs and they probably mentioned something particular to do or think about during review pieces, and then you get home. Now what? And why are we dwelling on things we already learned? I promise it’s...
Practice • February 8, 2019
How many times have you heard a parent or a student make a statement about a very good student that goes something like this? “She’s just so talented. I wish I could play that well.” In the assessment of their...