The bass is a BIG instrument — bigger than your Sprout! — and gets played standing up. Bassists use a bow to create deep, beautiful sounds lower than any other string instrument. In String Sprouts, students interested in bass begin with violin and switch to bass in Level 4!
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The cello is a low voice in the orchestra. Its notes are lower than the viola and violin, yet it has a HUGE range of pitches! Cellists sit down and use a bow to play their instrument. (If your kiddo has trouble staying seated, violin or viola may be a better choice!)
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The viola is the middle voice of the orchestra. Shaped like a violin, the viola is a bit bigger and creates a deeper, fuller sound. Violists are rarer than violinists and often find more opportunities to play!
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The violin is the most famous — and smallest! — member of the strings family. Violinists usually play the melody or main tune in an orchestra. Violins are also known as fiddles, as their small size makes them a good fit for the fast notes of fiddle tunes in folk music.
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