Practice, Review, What to Practice • February 1, 2019
Your teacher assigned you review songs and they probably mentioned something particular to do or think about during review pieces, and then you get home. Now what? And why are we dwelling on things we already learned?
I promise it’s not just a waste of time. Review can be powerful if you use it effectively. How?
I feel like most teachers that utilize review tactics could write a book on this subject alone, so I will leave you with one last thought: review because your teacher asked you to. Sometimes we can let you in on our secret plans to make things magically work (or work better), but other days we run out of time to share that information. So give it a shot, and if you have questions about your assigned review, bring them to the next lesson!
Caregiver Tip, Practice • May 10, 2019
There are days where we can all identify with Veruca Salts from Willy Wonka. We want what we want immediately. Instant gratification is just so…delightful. A friendly barista that quickly gets you a coffee, working out once and losing a...
Practice Tool, Review, What to Practice • May 17, 2019
I love flashcards. One of the best tools a teacher has in our bag of tricks is creativity, and we like to take something and mold it to what our students need right now. I’ve done this on a weekly...
Practice • February 8, 2019
How many times have you heard a parent or a student make a statement about a very good student that goes something like this? “She’s just so talented. I wish I could play that well.” In the assessment of their...