Practice • May 22, 2017
Practice • May 22, 2017
By Gina Dvorak
Since taking on the role as executive director of the Omaha Conservatory of Music in 2005 — 12 years ago! — I have seen us grow into a music school rivaling the best institutions in the country. Our talented students have gone on to be professional musicians, specialized doctors, prominent businesspeople, and — most importantly — lovers of music and the arts.
Thinking about the many places these students (and their families!) are now calling home makes us truly grateful that we’ve been able to make an impact not only here in Omaha but also well beyond!
For this year’s Omaha Gives on May 24, I’m hoping we will have a chance to illustrate the Conservatory’s reach by filling in a map of the United States as corresponding donations come in from each state. Tune in to live performances happening all day at our beautiful facility, located in the heart of Omaha, at 7023 Cass St.
Are you a former Conservatory family living outside the state of Nebraska? Help us show the Conservatory’s reach by sending a donation on May 24 (or timing one now!) to represent your current state and the impact that music education has had in your life.
Are you a grandparent or relative of a current or former student at the Conservatory? We’ll color in your state and use your gift to continue our amazing programs, benefitting nearly 2,000 students just like your family member.
Are you a staunch believer in the power of music education to improve academic outcomes for preschool children living in poverty? Give the gift of music by helping us put instruments in the hands of underserved children through our groundbreaking String Sprouts program. Find out more here.
Do you want to do your part to show the importance of the arts in the quality of all people’s lives in our country? Fuel the Conservatory’s efforts to create an inclusive musical community that enriches lives through education and performance opportunities.
Give to the Omaha Conservatory for Omaha Gives!
Be a part of a national musical wave by giving a gift to the Omaha Conservatory of Music during Omaha Gives on May 24 (or time your gift now!) — and thank you for your generosity!
Ruth Meints
Creator • String Sprouts
Executive Director • Omaha Conservatory of Music
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